Our education and training services support individuals, organizations, and institutions who share our desire to build communities dedicated to environmental sustainability and making positive social impact.
what we do
We create communication and learning opportunities that facilitate dialogue and discussion between local stakeholders and scientific/academic communities working toward Blue Economy success.

with a unique method
We offer our unique GEONarrative approach (using maps, geospatial displays, videos, graphics, images, illustrations, diagrams, dis-
play elements) for solving non-linear, complex problems related to human-env-
ironment interaction and water-food-community-economy connections.

yielding great results
Our tailored method is designed to expand understanding and analysis of complex prob-
lems to foster better, more effective decision-making at the local, national, and global levels.

Technical, scientific solutions are not answers unless they resonate with the humans involved.
Respecting, understanding, and learning from local history/culture combined with scientific innovation, can lead to tailored strategies for solving complex problems associated with the environment and the economy.
we work with:
Having expertise in multiple areas is important…
we specialize in:

how we do it
Our GEONarrative approach
VTT’s unique GEONarrative approach puts geographic content into context, making connections and drawing conclusions that lead to informed dialogue, discussion, and decisions.
how we do it
We have three project phases.
01. Research, Writing, Design, Production
- Strategic and Implementation Plans
- Keynote Addresses
- Briefings
- White Papers
- News releases
- Websites*
- Email*
- Videos*
- Podcasts*
- Pitches & Proposals*
*working with our partner ABEM Digital Creations
02. Facilitation
- Discussion Roundtables
- ½ Day Workshops
- Full Day Workshops
- 3-Day Seminar
Events are “live” in-person or web-based “remote” meetings.
03. Capacity-Building
- Training Module Development & Delivery
- Background Materials for conferences
- Survey and Qualitative Assessments
- Teacher/Coach Mentoring
- Train-the-Trainer Mentoring
regional expertise
Our geographical impact is expanding.

See content.
Understand context.
Discover connections.
Evaluate consequences.
quick links
send us mail
P.O. Box 443
Morehead City, NC
email Us