Environment and climate updates, open source tools & technology
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VTT's Blue Economy Resource Hub
Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.
- Visualize potential impacts from sea level rise through maps and photos
- Learn about data and methods through documentation
- Share maps and links via email and social media
Data Basin is a global spatial platform guided by four main principles:
- Improve spatial data access
- Provide easy integration of spatial data regardless of the source
- Create and maintain an easy-to-use system that a wide audience can use without compromising on scientific and technical quality
- Enhance user understanding and collaboration
Data Basin is a powerful online mapping and collaboration platform accessed using any web browser. Users are provided with their own private workspace and many features to help them with their work whether they choose to work alone or with others.
The platform was designed to empower people with a flexible system by putting much of the control in the hands of the user. People make spatially explicit decisions every day and most of these people are not computer mapping professionals.
Catch the King (CTK) is an annual, crowdsourced community science event that recruits local volunteers to use the Sea Level Rise app to collect flooding data during the Perigean tides—the highest tides of the year.
Tidal flooding is a major environmental, health, and safety issue for coastal communities because it causes damage to infrastructure, poses safety risks for residents and travelers, and is a moving pathway for runoff and other debris. Floods are growing more severe and more frequent due to climate change and rising sea levels.
Wetlands Watch needs your help to collect data on where it floods so that local planners, researchers, and floodplain staff can implement solutions in the right places!

Heat related illnesses and death are largely preventable with proper planning, education, and action. Heat.gov serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat.
In July 2022, NOAA (as part of the interagency National Integrated Heat Health Information System), launched the website, which provides the public, decision-makers and the news media with clear, timely and science-based information to understand and reduce the health risks of extreme heat.
On its homepage, Heat.gov gives real time updates on what percentage of the country is under extreme heat advisories, watches and warnings. Among a wealth of resources, Heat.gov includes heat forecasts from NOAA’s National Weather Service, the monthly Climate and Health Outlook developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC’s Heat and Health Tracker, information on the NOAA-supported Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign.

With over 400 of the world’s best data layers on nature, climate change, and sustainable development, UNBL supports country-led efforts to use national and global spatial data for planning, monitoring, and reporting and to take action for people and planet.
Explore their interactive map, data collections, workspaces, and dozens of other resources.
Climate.gov is a great resource for read climate news, reports, predictions, statistics over time, and science facts.
Use their US Climate Resilience Toolkit to learn about potential climate hazards, find solutions to reduce climate-related risks, and protect your vulnerable assets.
Many tools and resources are available such as:
From a 5-Step Framework to Resilience, to the NCA Interactive Atlas, to climate vulnerability assessments, this website offers so many useful tools and resources!
The Crystal Coast business community is aware of changes already taking place where we live and work: temperatures are rising, storms are more intense, flooding happens more often and is more extensive, new roads are opening, and there’s a housing shortage, to name a few!
- What action is needed now?
- What what will it take to get the transformative solutions our coastal communities need?
- How we can build a community of resilient businesses protected against climate-related damage, disruptions, and closures?
Let’s leverage our situational savvy and our economic and environmental perspectives to help create innovative solutions for the challenges we face.
- Discover business community challenges related to heat and water-related coastal issues
- Explore eastern NC’s economic and environmental/biodiversity vulnerability and vitality
- Learn about existing blue economy innovations in our area
- Leave with a list of business community needs/wants for achieving climate-compatible, future-focused, transformative coastal communities
Stardust Startups NC accelerates innovative Climate Action solutions in the coastal plain of North Carolina through their microgrant program.
What they do:
- Support entrepreneurs at their early, pre-seed stage with microgrants and visibility
- Nurture human-scale, genuine, continuing relationships with beneficiaries and supporters
- Certify trust in budding projects and pave the way for further funding

Wetlands Watch works with both a top-down approach, through state and federal policy advocacy, and a bottom-up approach, using grass roots education and activism to influence local government land use and regulatory decisions.
The newest chapter of our work is focused on sea level rise.
- We are currently collaborating with state and local organizations to develop innovative land-use models that can be used by Virginia tidewater communities in coming years to protect our wetland resources as the sea rises.
- Wetlands Watch is conducting education and advocacy programs at the local level to educate and motivate citizens to press our state and local governments to take sea level rise into account in wetlands regulation and conservation.
- We are also working to bring the private sector into resource conservation work, helping develop a Chesapeake Bay-wide program for education and certification of private landscape professionals in nature-based approaches to stormwater runoff reduction.
- Finally, we are working to enlarge our membership and attract major individual and corporate donors so that we can become self-sustaining and continue this work in the future.

The Carteret County Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1959 in Morehead City, N.C., and today represents more than 900 businesses, professionals, organizations, educational institutions, government units and individuals who share a common objective to create and foster a healthy environment in which to conduct business and are committed to enhancing the quality of life for all citizens.
From planning networking events to advocating for Carteret County in Washington D.C., the chamber works for their members day in and day out. As the county continues to grow and change, it is imperative that the business community is in constant communication with decision-makers.
The Chamber of Commerce offers to their members:
- Networking opportunities
- Marketing and visibility
- Referrals and business services
- Education and training

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