Ocean-based, “Blue Economy” businesses are not limited to activities in the open water. They include endeavors in ocean energy, marine biotechnology, aquaculture/mariculture, marine products and services, supply chain and logistics, coastal tourism and recreation, coastal resources management, fishing (commercial, sport, and recreational), habitat protection, and biodiversity. In a strong and sustainable blue economy, local communities, economies, and ecosystems thrive.

North Carolina’s summer “heat season” runs from May 1st – September 30th. There’s no doubt that last summer was HOT. A hotter summer is to come in 2024. Tourism and outdoor recreation form the economic foundation of Carteret County.
Are Carteret County businesses ready for what may come?
- Disruptions in energy
- Blackouts or brownouts
- Increased energy costs cooling stations for indoor/outdoor labor
- Preventing heat-related illness (heat exhaustion, heat stroke)
- Cooling stations for outdoor activities
- Keeping customers, employees, and products safe from excessive heat
Listen to Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney’s (founder of VTT) live radio interview with Lockwood Phillips, publisher of the Carteret County News Times, recorded on March 19th, 2024. 👇
The first Blue Economy Business Forum was held on March 15th, 2024 in Morehead City. Co-hosted by VTT and Stardust Startups, bi-monthly meetings are planned through the summer starting in May! Dates and times TBD.
💡 Resources are available to help local communities, organizations and individuals better anticipate and plan for extreme heat.
Check out the new Heat Action Plan Toolkit by Rebuild NC.